Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Diaper Pail Set-up

The dirty diaper set-up area is going to vary based upon the set-up of your home and your diaper wash procedures. Some people use covered waste cans, others use regular diaper pails, others hang Diaper Pail Bags from the door. I initially purchased a Gro Via Diaper Pail Liner bag but it is HUGE!!! As I do my diaper laundry every day or two, I really don’t need something so big. I have a basement that is virtually only used for laundry so I just store the dirty diapers there. If you don’t have a basement and live in a home where the dirty diapers will be kept on a “main floor” until laundry day then I can see that the bag would definitely come in handy!! If you tossed all your items into the bags then you could just tote the bags to the laundry machine on cleaning day. I find that it is easier just to toss the dirty diaper laundry in buckets as opposed to put them in the bag. I throw the poopy diapers in a pickle bucket. The just-peed-in diapers in another little bucket. And the just-needing-washed plain diaper covers (as long as they are not dirty or pee saturated) in the Diaper Pail bag. It would really be easier to just put the just-needing-washed covers in a little bucket too. But since I bought the Liner I figured I might as well use it : ) This method of sorting keeps my laundry separated and organized for laundry day! See my blog on Wash Techniques for more.

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